"use strict"; window.addEventListener('load', function() { //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // MAGNIFIC POPUP(LIGHTBOX) SETTINGS //------------------------------------------------------------------------ $('.gallery').each(function () { // the containers for all your galleries var $this = $(this); if (typeof $this.magnificPopup == "undefined") { return false; } if (typeof $this.magnificPopup == "undefined") {return false;} $this.magnificPopup({ delegate: '.video-popup, .image-popup', // the selector for gallery item type: 'image', gallery: { enabled: true }, image: { titleSrc: function (item) { return item.el.find('img').attr('alt'); } }, callbacks: { open: function() { $this.trigger('stop.owl.autoplay'); }, close: function() { $this.trigger('play.owl.autoplay'); } }, disableOn: function () { if (!pAgree || pAgree !== '1') { return false; } return true; } }); }); try { $('.masonry-filter').MasonryFilter({ type: 'column-flex' }); } catch (x) {} }); window.addEventListener('load', function() { var pAgree = '1'; window.addEventListener('load', function() { $('a.smooth').smoothScroll({speed: 800}); }); });